STS Survey Technologies

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Roads Technical Surveys

Location: Various location in Qatar

Contract No: LTPLGN-2018-49

Start Date: September 2019

Project Description

The project consisted of undertaking a comprehensive programme of highway inventory and condition data collection, technical surveys and asset testing by utilizing different assessment techniques including; 360o Video Image Capturing, Lidar surveys, Road Assets Inventory, Visual Data Collection and Technical Assessments and Testing services within the highway Right-of Way.

The project included data collection, execution of detailed visual and machine-based inspections, technical tests and assessment of highway assets along with the pre-processing and delivery of all raw data in a format compliant to MoT standards and quality systems. Training of MoT Personnel (Knowledge Transfer) on Transportation Assets Management subjects and International Visits in related conferences.

The RTS project was delivered over three and a half consecutive years. The outcome was:

    • A comprehensive geodatabase for Asset inventory and 360 imagery, covering all Primary and Secondary, Tertiary and almost all Local roads – 8870 linear km of Asset inventory collection and 7300 centerline km of 360 Images were delivered to MoT.
    • A comprehensive geodatabase for Pavement Condition Surveys for LCMS and IRI scopes, covering completely the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary road network. During EOT (extension of time) a re-survey of the network was executed successfully – a total of 13350 lane km of LCMS and IRI were delivered to MoT.
    • A geodatabase for Pavement Condition Surveys for Skid Resistance test scope, covering the Primary and Secondary road network – a total of 3500 lane km of GripTester surveys were delivered to MoT.
    • Detailed Visual Inspections (DVI) for pavements and structures, covering bridges, tunnels and underpasses of MoT assets.
    • Knowledge Transfer provided to MoT personnel on Feature Extraction and Asset Inventory collection items.
    • International visits of MoT personnel – MoT personnel had the opportunity to attend 101st version of Transportation Research Board (TRB) meeting and conference in Washington, DC, USA and the Course ‘Fundamentals of Asset Management’ in London, UK, provided by BMC Training.

Description of Actual Services / Performed


  1. Highway Asset Inventory Data Collection:

The feature extraction process resulted in feeding a GIS geodatabase model, as structured from MoT Road Assets department.The completed geodatabase of asset inventory comprises of:

    • Road main elements
    • Road safety elements
    • Street lighting elements
    • Structures

Each asset collection incorporates information about status, attributes and condition.

Technical Tests within the Right of Way of the road network: LCMS/IRI:

Pavement Condition surveys using LCMS technology,

  • Pavement Roughness data (IRI)
  • Pavement surface defects’ and condition data. Defects’ inventory includes:






Technical Tests within the Right of Way of the road network: Skid Resistance Tests:

  • Skid resistance testing of pavements using GripTester.
  • Collects friction data in constant speed (50 km/h).
  • Pavement friction, simulating panicked braking under wet conditions.
  • Night-time to avoid traffic congestion.